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4 High Street, Lenham, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 2QD

Welcome Back to Lenham Dental

We would like to thank all our patients and staff for their continued support during these difficult times and we hope that you have all stayed healthy and safe. We are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer face to face appointments and assist you with all your urgent and routine dental care needs. Please give us a call if you have toothache, dental pain, infection or gum problems.

As always, at Lenham Dental, your safety and care is our main priority. We have always maintained high standards of hygiene as well as infection prevention and control. Excellent hand hygiene, sterilisation procedures and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is something that we do all day, every day, and has been part of our practice for over three decades.

In view of recent COVID-19 pandemic we have strictly followed the government guidance and have adopted the new guidelines and changes, to ensure an even safer environment for you, our team, and the wider community. Some of the changes you will notice are as follows:

  • Pre-appointment screening and longer appointment times.
  • Multiple surgeries for each clinician to work in, thus allowing adequate time for a deep clean if a procedure involving dental drill is carried out.
  • All dental staff will use appropriate PPE as recommended by Public Health England – fluid resistant gowns, visors and masks including FFP3 will be used in line with the guidance.
  • Installation of air purifiers to capture airborne particles.
  • Enhanced cleaning protocols – A schedule is in place for the careful cleaning of all clinical and common areas including door handles, bannisters, floors and other hard surfaces.
  • Perspex screens in the reception area and social distancing markings.
  • A new computer system to allow us to be paper- free.

Your visit to the Practice

We very much look forward to welcoming you to our practice. Here is what to expect at your next appointment.

1. Pre-Appointment Screening

Before your visit, you will be asked to complete screening questionnaire, medical history and consent forms via email. We request these to be sent back to us within 48 hours. If this is not an option for you, our receptionist will give you a call to complete these over the phone.

Your dentist will contact you one or two days prior to your appointment to discuss these forms and check there are no changes.

2. Arriving at the practice.

All of our appointments will remain staggered to allow minimum contact with other people.

Please do not attend the practice unless you have an appointment. On the day of your appointment we request you to arrive promptly. We ask you to then remain in your car and call us on 01622 858204 to let us know that you arrived.

We ask you to attend appointments alone and only one guardian will be able to accompany children under the age of 18. Please leave any excess bags, coats and umbrellas in your car.

3.Temperature checks

On arrival, we will use a non-contact thermometer to record your temperature. If it exceeds 37.8°C, we will not be able to see you and would advise self-isolation in keeping with government guidance.

4.Hand Sanitising

Upon entry, we request all patients wash their hands thoroughly or use hand sanitiser. Please avoid touching any unnecessary items during your visit. Please maintain a 2m distance from others when in reception and waiting areas.

Please feel free to ask if you wish to wear a surgical mask whilst you are being escorted by your nurse for your appointment to and from the surgery.

5.Payments and booking

We request that all payments are made in advance over the phone where possible, in order to minimise the time spent in the practice. You can also pay up to £45 if your card is enabled to make contactless payments. We will accept cash/ cheques in exceptional circumstances only. You dentist will advise you of your next appointment which you can arrange by contacting us on telephone.

6.Additional information

In line with the guidance from Chief Dental Officer, all of our staff will complete the COVID questionnaire and have their temperature measured at the start of each day.

We will continue to adapt to the changing guidelines and improve our protocols on a daily basis.

We once again would like to thank you for your patience and support during these times. Please check our website www.lenhamdental.co.uk which will be updated with new information on a regular basis.

We have introduced these changes to protect you, our staff and local community. What has not changed is our commitment to ensure that you receive best possible experience whilst undergoing dental care and treatment. We promise the same personalised care and friendly smiles (beneath the masks).

We look forward to seeing you all again very soon.


The team at Lenham Dental

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Dental Care For Children


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Lenham Dental

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Opening Hours

Monday: 08.45-17.30

Tuesday: 08.45-17.30

Wednesday: 08.45-17.30

Thursday: 08.45-17.30

Friday: 08.45-17.30

Saturday: by appointment only

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